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How do you know you'd pick right lawyer for your case ?
In an ideal world, every lawyer would be perfect for every client, but unfortunately, this isn’t the case. In the real world, your lawyer's style and personality need to fit your needs and your legal goals. Sometimes, even the best lawyer in the office can cause you to spend more money and add more stress. Below are some of the tell-tale signs that you’ve hired a bad lawyer for your case:
4 Signs Your Lawyer is a Bad Pick for Your Case
Poor Communication
Conflict of Personality
Lack of Decisiveness
Being on Time
Poor Communication
If you’re finding it tricky to get in contact with your lawyer then it may be the time to find yourself someone that can meet your needs. Before switching, think about if the problem is simply that there is no communication between you both or if the communication isn’t matching your needs. Many lawyers now utilize Facebook, email, text, and calls instead of the old-fashioned method of writing letters.
This is brilliant if you use the same methods of communication but not great if you don’t. Before hiring an attorney, it’s a great idea to find out how they will communicate with you. Many lawyers offer 24-hour message return, which may fit your needs better than waiting for a reply through the post.

Conflict of Personality
Some lawyers are calm and serene, whilst others are high-energy. A lawyer that makes you feel unsafe or on edge may not be the perfect lawyer for you. Even in the worst of cases, a lawyer’s calm behavior can be more worthwhile than many other skills. If a lawyer comes across as annoying and grates on your nerves every time they talk, then finding someone else may be the right decision for you. Who wants to sit through a trial with someone they can’t bare listening to?

Lack of Decisiveness
After an initial meeting, lawyers should be able to draw up a plan of how to proceed with your case. Sometimes, it may require them to carry out a bit of research first, but this should be the first step in their plan. A lawyer who cannot tell you about the plan is only after one thing – your money. If you contact your lawyer and they cannot give you an indication on what the next step in your case is, then look for someone new.

Being on Time
Most good lawyers will be looking after more than one client at any one time. Lawyers rarely control when hearings are held, so don’t worry if your lawyer isn’t anywhere to be seen at the call of the docket. Lawyers are familiar with the court procedures and will give the court an estimated time of their arrival.
If your lawyer is running over 30 minutes late, then give them a call and ask them what their estimated arrival time is. Remember, lawyers who only have one case a week may not be very popular or may charge more than other lawyers. If this is the case, then see what other people can offer you.

There can be many reasons why a lawyer might not be suitable for your case. The most important is a lack f communication. Communication is key, as it will not only give you peace of mind, but if your lawyer is not keeping in contact with you, you will be unsure of how well your case is progressing. Make sure you find the right attorney to suit your wants and needs.